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Objectives, challenges and added value of giving your conferences and events a multilingual scope

I'm inviting multilingual conference organisers (corporate or agencies) to contribute to this research on the challenges and added value of interpretation during conferences, tradeshows and summits.


From the most common languages to tips and data on adding value to your events though interpretation, I aim to highlight and share findings that will help the conference industry weigh the pros and cons of a multilingual event.

Please fill the form below to tell me more about the internationality of your event.


I look forward to hearing from you!

About you

À propos de vous

About your event

À propos de votre évènement

Do your delegates pay to attend or is it a free event? / L'entrée est-elle payante ?

About your multilingual event

À propos de la partie multilingue

What languages was this year's conference offered in? / Vers quelles langues a-t'elle été interprétée cette année ?

About the language service provision

À propos des services d'intérprétation

Aside of the ticket sales, what proportion of your conference do you estimate was funded thanks to the multilingual element (sponsorship, etc)? / Hors ventes de billets, quelle part des revenus attribuez-vous à l'élément multilingue (sponsoring etc) ?
Did you outsource the management of the interpreters and equipment to a language service provider? / L'organisation de l'interprétation a-t'elle été confié à une agence externe ?
Did you use human interpreters or AI technology ? / Avez-vous fait appel à des interprètes ou à une technologie par IA ?
What were the most challenging elements of organising a multilingual conference? / Quelles ont été les principales difficultés d'organiser une conférence multilingue ?

Feedback on the multilingual provision

Retours concernant l'élément multilingue

Will the next edition of your event be offered in several languages? / Prévoyez-vous de proposer l'interprétation en plusieurs langues lors de la prochaine édition ?

Do you need a french interpreter to join your team for your next event?

Please send call me or send me an email to:

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