Pros and cons of working with a local translation services provider
Business translation services are one of these industries that have greatly benefited from the pandemic. As a french language provider, I've been able to work not only by offering affordable french translation services to clients I've never met at the other end of the country, but also to join in on meetings as a french interpreter online without my clients having to provide accomodation and pay my travel expenses. This has opened a very global market which benefits both clients and providers alike.
Let's take a quick look at the pros and cons of documents translation services in the same country, region or even town, versus translation companies at the other end of the world.
The translation services near me...
...are in the same time zone and therefore more likely to work to a common deadline and to pick up the phone to chat about problems or challenges
...comply with the same regulations and law as you business
...might contribute to your climate or other accreditations aiming to encourage the use of local suppliers
... will probably be more responsive in case of problems or disagreements
The translation company at the other end of the world... likely to be much cheaper because overheads are lower in China or Mexico than they are in Europe or the USA
...may be more difficult and expensive to get hold of on the phone, and may be less responsive by email
...might find it easier to disappear in case of a problem
So, should I prefer a translation agency near me ?
By way of compromise, I suggest looking for translation services providers in the same country, which might allow you to benefit from lower rates from freelancers working from home whilst remaining protected by the legislation you are used to.
Also read my article on What to look for in a translator or the Pros and Cons of working with a translation agency versus a freelance translator.
